Equisetum arvense L., field horsetail, prêle des champs
Perennial, spreading by spores and creeping rootstocks that send
up new shoots. Stems of two types: light brown, unbranched, ones
4 to 10 inches (10 to 25 cm.) high, terminating in a cone;
branched stems , 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm.) high, with whorls
of 4-angled green branches arising at the joints; throughout our
area; railways, hayfields, roadsides, waste places, and open
woods; native to North America.
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Weed Name |
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Weed Name |
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field horsetail, prêle des champs |
field horsetail, prêle des champs (underground rootstock with vegetative stems) |
field horsetail, prêle des champs (F&M) |
field horsetail, prêle des champs (3 vegetative stems) |
field horsetail, prêle des champs (underground rootstock with fertile and vegetative stems) |
field horsetail, prêle des champs (emerging shoots) |