Echium vulgare L.,blueweed, vipérine
Biennial, forming a flat-lying rosette in the first year,
spreading by seeds; autogamous; 1 to 3 feet (3 to 9 dm.) high;
bright blue flowers; abundant in the inland-east, rare
elsewhere; rocky permanent pastures, abandoned fields, meadows,
and roadsides; introduced from Europe. Bristly hairs on leaves
and stems can produce a severe skin inflammation.
Hackelia virginiana (L.) I. M. Johnston ( =Lappula virginiana (L.) Greene), stickseed (beggar’s lice), hackélia de Virginie
Biennial, forming a rosette in the first year and a stem 1 to 4 feet (3 to 12 dm.) high in the second year. Flowers small, white, and 5-lobed. A native of eastern North America, occurring from southern New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario, to Georgia and Louisiana. In open woods, thickets, and waste land. Brushing past stickseed usually results in large sections of its inflorescence clinging tenaciously to clothing and to the fur of animals.
Lappula squarrosa (Retz.) Dumort. [ =Lappula echinata
of some authors], bluebur, bardanette épineuse
Annual or winter annual, spreading by seeds; stems rarely over 2
feet (6 dm.) high; flowers blue; widespread in grain fields,
pastures, railway grades, roadsides, and waste places;
introduced from Europe. The sticky seeds cling to clothing and
animal hair.
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Weed Name |
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Weed Name |
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blueweed, vipérine commune (plant) |
blueweed, vipérine commune (closeup) |
blueweed, vipérine commune (maturing inflorescence) |
blueweed, vipérine commune (seedling, FF) |
blueweed, vipérine commune (NC) |
stickseed, hackélia de Virginie (plant) |
stickseed, hackélia de Virginie (fruiting inflorescence) |
stickseed, hackélia de Virginie (section of fruiting inflorescence) |
bluebur, bardanette épineuse (F&M) |
bluebur, bardanette épineuse (close up) |
bluebur, bardanette épineuse (NC) |
bluebur, bardanette épineuse |
bluebur, bardanette épineuse (plant, FF) |
bluebur, bardanette épineuse (seedling, FF) |
bluebur, bardanette épineuse (seedling) |